Artist Statement

“Photography ignites i14533n me a passion for exploring the world and the intricacies within it.  Whether shooting a vast landscape or exposing some detail of life, I am taken away by the whole process of examining a subject and deciding how to portray it.

One of my greatest fascinations is focusing attention on common, simple objects that are usually overlooked.  Using color, texture and perspective, I seek to create interesting views of life and our world, while giving some recognition to the function and beauty of things generally taken for granted.

I attempt to compose landscapes that draw people into them—to create scenes one can enter rather than view.  I want the viewer to feel the relaxed freedom the vastness of the open prairie provides while celebrating the simple beauty found here.

Wildlife provides the unique challenge of capturing the subject in its essence—of portraying it naturally, yet artistically.  Ideally, the photograph is more than a recording of a species for the wildlife enthusiast, but a window to nature that all can enjoy.

When my images stir emotion for others, the passion I’ve invested yields an added realm of fulfillment.  I hope my images provide pleasure for you soul, as well as your eyes.”

Daron W. Krueger